Captain Ronald A. Radcliffe 1972 Army Aviator of the Year

He was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross, Silver Star, Distinguished Flying Cross with five Oak Leaf Clusters, Bronze Star with Oak Leaf Cluster, 59 Air Medals with one "V Device", Army Commendation Medal with Oak Leaf Cluster, Purple Heart with three Oak Leaf Clusters, Good Conduct Medal, National Defense Medal, Vietnam Service Medal, Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry with Palm, Vietnam Campaign Medal.

He joined the army at age 17 and after a posting to Germany did three tours in Vietnam. His first tour was with an MP company. He then went to OCS and Army Aviation School. He was a helicopter pilot in his second and third tour.

Affidavit by John Spencer recommending Medal of Honor for Radcliffe

For years Ron has delighted friends with tales of his experiences. Since he has ignored entreaties to write them, a friend is compiling them as a ghost writer. Ron has consented to posting here on condition it is understood that any errors are the fault of the ghost writer. Visit again to view more stories as they are added. Enjoy.

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Stories latest update Aug 1, 2021